Private Fachoberschule PINDL
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The paleo diet experiment


“Kompetenzorientierung” is a key term in modern learning and testing. When asked to prepare a presentation, two of our F11-students came up with really surprising findings that might illustrate the concept behind this technical term. In addition to reading, summarizing and reorganizing facts and details from one of our most modern course-book texts, they presented their own first-hand experiences to the class. Almost like real ‘cavemen’, Julius and Marc had spent four (!) whole days finding and preparing their complete nutritional intake according to paleo diet* rules. Hence, they were able to really convincingly - and entertainingly at the same time! -  inform their English class about the pros and cons of such a down-to-earth diet.

*for further information see e.g. Focus on Success Plus (Cornelsen, 2017), pp.42-43

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